Our Purpose
We believe in/that:
a) The Triune being of God i.e., Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
b) Holy bible is the ultimate rule and standard of our faith given by the inspiration of God.
c) The new birth is received by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.
d) Baptism is by water immersion and baptism of the Holy Spirit is for all believers.
e) In the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit AND the five fold ministry.
f) In the virgin birth, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
g) In the second advent of Jesus and the establishment of HIS eternal kingdom.
h) In eternal life for all believers AND eternal damnation for all who reject the gift of salvation.
e) In the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit AND the five fold ministry.
f) In the virgin birth, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
g) In the second advent of Jesus and the establishment of HIS eternal kingdom.
h) In eternal life for all believers AND eternal damnation for all who reject the gift of salvation.
We believe in:
Discovering the difference:
In Adoration (magnify God in worship)
In Participation (membership in Christ’s body)
Becoming the difference:
In Demonstration (maturity of Christ)
In Manifestation (ministry of the Spirit)
Making the difference:
In proclamation (messenger's of God's love)
In Commission (missionaries of his gospel)
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